May he without sin…

The 2024 Super Bowl was the most watched ever with an average of 124 million viewers. If you were one of the many, you may have seen this commercial. Think about it. How many times have you heard the name Jesus while watching any channel other than those Jim and Tammy Fay used to call home? So all those people watching the Super Bowl, who may really be there for the commercials, saw the name of Jesus and saw “him” serving others. What is sad is that some in the church decided the video was not theologically correct because those portrayed were washing the feet of sinners, unbelievers and vice versa. Maybe they forgot the sins of a few Jesus washed the feet of or spoke to directly; Peter’s Denial of Jesus. James and John’s Ambition. Thomas’ Doubt. Judas’ Betrayal. Paul’s Persecution of Christians. I know when I saw the commercial it brought a tear to my eye. I hope I have the opportunity to serve the sinners and unbelievers I come across in my life. And I hope others serve my sinful self as well. I we all can be led to the truth, through the power and love of Jesus Christ.

STOP: Lord, where is my heart today?
LOOK: Lord, help me discover new truth from your Word today.
LISTEN: Lord, what is your thought for me today from your Word?

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

‭‭‭‭‭‭Micah‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Lord, what do I need to talk with You about?
Lord, what are you asking me to do?

* STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, RESPOND from Navigator Church Ministry booklet, The Invitation. Read More.