This past July Krista and I took a trip to Michigan. We visited a few quaint little towns on Lake Michigan and a few other surprisingly beautiful crystal blue lakes in the northern part of the state. On our drive from South Haven up to Charlevoix we stopped by Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park near Glen Arbor.  We decided to take the half an hour one way hike to the top of a sand dune to what promised to be a stunning view of Lake Michigan. We did not expect what happened next.

At the bottom of the dune the climb did not look easy but totally manageable. People were running down the dune, letting their body’s momentum carry them down the hill. A couple sprinted past us up the hill. We reached the top of the first dune, and soon a post marked No. 1. About 4 posts in, we learned that there were 20+ posts we would need to pass to reach the beautiful view we were hiking for. This did not appear to be the 30 minute trek we had seen on YouTube.

But, we continued on with our hike. We met a group around the crest of the 2nd large dune. There was a large out of breath man, sarcastically saying “you’re almost there.” We stopped and joked a bit with him and his family, and continued onward. We saw dark clouds in the distance. The couple who had sprinted by us earlier passed, headed back to the parking lot. Krista commented to them that their trip was quick, and asked if it was worth the hike, they told us no, that they were giving up and heading back. We then were met by a fit family of four headed back as well. They told us the lake was beautiful, and that they had waded in the lake. They also told us the hike ahead was only to get more difficult and we had a long way to go. They headed back when they saw lighting in the sky – of what to that point had been a bright sun-shiny day. We considered turning around but decided to carry on. I was surprised at how discouraging the family was despite having already made the trip. For us, that was probably more of a motivator than a deterrent. I definitely said many prayers that the weather would clear, and that the Lord would protect us. We continued forward.

We passed many people along the way. Most smiled and were encouraging of the beauty of our destination. Krista decided to start running up the dunes – can’t say I was a huge fan of running – but it made the trip pass more quickly.  We saw an elderly Asian lady returning with her family, and we decided if “Grandma” could make it, we could. We continued passing markers, 18, 19, 20. Up and down. Down and up. Walking barefoot in the sun warmed sand.

We passed the final marker and reached the crystal clear waters and a pebbly beach. Beautiful. The weather was cloudy, and it appeared any threat of severe weather had passed. We met a smiling young couple on the beach, we talked and took couples photos for each other. It was totally worth not giving up.

After spending time on the beach we began the return trip. While we knew what to expect it was just as challenging. Krista encouraged people headed to the beach that it was worth the trip. We made it back to the top of the last dune before the parking lot and sprinted down the hill – that was a blast. We were glad we completed the hike.

What we had originally thought was an hour long hike, became close to 3 hours. Turns out the shorter dune climb, with maybe better views, was just down the road. 

In your life you may sign up for things that turn out differently than you expect. There will be people who encourage you, people who warn you, people who may not want to see you succeed. You will have opportunities to be an example to others. You will have opportunities to turn around. Opportunities to keep going. Opportunities to complain and opportunities to give thanks for the difficult things. Opportunities to thank God for what he is leading you through and how he is growing you. There will be opportunities to work hard and opportunities for rest.

I pray that your new year will be a fresh start if you need one, and a continuation of all the good you have going in your life. We are thankful for you. “May God make his face shine upon you, and give you peace.” Amen.

STOP: Lord, where is my heart today?
LOOK: Lord, help me discover new truth from your Word today.
LISTEN: Lord, what is your thought for me today from your Word?

‭‭And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.‬‬

‭‭‭‭‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:35 NRSV‬‬

Lord, what do I need to talk with You about?
Lord, what are you asking me to do?

* STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, RESPOND from Navigator Church Ministry booklet, The Invitation. Read More.